
“The progress of Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are lagging behind where only 15% of the targets are on track. It needs USD500 billions in annual extra funding from wealthy nations to help to regain momentum according to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on 20 Sept 2023 at the SDG Summit, UN General Assembly in New York.


In 2015, the UN adopted the 17 SDGs, including ending poverty in all its form everywhere, ending hunger and ensuring healthy lives and promoting well being fornall , at all ages.


But progress has stalled amid the climate crisis, economic downturn, global conflicts and impact of Covid 19.


In Malaysia, among the Agenda 2030 and 17 SDGs,  INTER Group has committed to implement 5 of the 17 SDGs ( SDG1, 7, 8, 9 & 17) under its annual PPKI CSR Programs.  


INTER Group is also committed to provide RM1.26 million funding to help to reduce poverty at rural areas of Malaysia (SDG1) such as Sabah and Kelantan by providing decent employment opportunity (SDG8) to the rural unemployed youth by 2030. These are the two states reported to have the highest poverty rate in Malaysia.


Besides  providing decent employment, INTER collaborates with Malaysia Ministry of Education, Manpower Dept (JTM), Skills Development Dept (JPK), Socso (Perkeso), Higher Learning Institutions (IPTA & IPTS) and NGOs ( SDG 17)  to provide quality skills training ( SDG ?) in Career Development & Management, and TVET Industries’ matching skills to schools dropouts and unemployed graduates.


Under SDG’s initiative, INTER helps diversity of races, religions and reduce the inequality of gender employment to both male and female.


With the concerted effort from INTER PPKI career team,  the rurals chieftains, community leaders, industry leaders and government agencies in both Kelantan and Sabah, INTER hope to achieve 60% of our targets amid economic slowdown to help 25,000 Malaysians out of poverty by 2030″ said Michael Heah, Chairman of PPKI (Pusat Pembangunan Kerjaya Inter or known as Inter Career Development Center) a CSR Program of INTER Group.